OpenDirector acts as your guide in managing shareholder relationships, ensuring competitive and fair pay for senior leaders, staying informed about key industry talent movements, and leveraging business connections to foster growth and success.
How it works
Easy-to-view list of C-suite and directors
Time with the organisation and current role
Statutory reported remuneration and director fees
Age and gender diversity statistics
Annual report, remuneration report and Notice of AGM
Links to ESG and Corporate Governance Statements
List of previous executives and directors
Executive Remuneration Overview: Maximum earnings opportunity by role
Remuneration Breakdown: Fixed remuneration, target and maximum STI, LTI, retention shares, and restricted shares
Board Fee Structure: Base fees for the chair, members, and committees
Statutory Remuneration:
Remuneration Outcomes Analysis: including actual short-term bonus compared to maximum bonus opportunity
Executive Pay Comparison: Analyze remuneration composition across executive roles
CEO Pay-for-Performance Review: Benchmark against various peer groups
Director Compensation Analysis: Assess adequacy of pay relative to similar-sized companies
Discover how directors and executives are connected to each other and other organisations for deeper business insights.
View how connections changed over time.
Identify warm introductions through indirect connections—leveraging people who know the right people.
Board Tenure – Analyze the length of time each member has served on the board and assess its impact on governance.
Board Commitments – Evaluate whether members are serving on multiple boards, ensuring they have the capacity to fulfill their responsibilities.
Diversity & Composition – Assess board member demographics, including age, gender, education, skills, and experience, to ensure a well-rounded and effective leadership team.